
Looking for inspiration for your next read, movie, or video game? Here are some suggestions from our Teen Reviewers.

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Nancy Drew is a very sweet, curious, clever, kind, optimistic, friendly and intelligent Young lady of 18 years old. This book talks about the adventures and Mysteries that Nancy Drew solves with the help of her friends and family. Nancy currently lives with her Father (Carson Drew) and her Housekeeper (Hannah Gruen) ever since her mother sadly passed away when she was only 3 years old. Carson Drew is actually a criminal lawyer which means that he handles cases involving secrets and mysterious / suspicious events and people, so usually Nancy gets the opportunity to share her ideas and help her father, while giving him a fresh perspective on how to resolve this case. Nancy has been going on many quests and journeys along this book series and she has had many different encounters, which helped her experience what it's like to do Detective work. This new mystery involves Uncle John Rorick who is a descendant of the early settlers in the town of Emerson. Nancy and her friends arrived at Emerson University and had realised that there had been a mix-up with their reservations. Uncle John invites Nancy and her friends to be his guests at this mansion on Pine Hill, then he tells them about a Phantom who haunts the Mansion’s Library. John also relates an Old Sinking Ship to this Ghost-like figure. It is Nancy’s duty to resolve this mystery. I would definitely recommend this book to anyone who likes puzzles and mysteries, this was a great read. 



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